Thursday, July 29, 2010

Updates, ideas, and prayers

It's been a few days since I've blogged. I've been on and reading all of your wonderful blogs. I just haven't really been in the mood to write. Usually I'm always in the mood to write, especially when I'm feeling as down as I have been these last few days. As I said in my last post, my mom has a tumor...well come to find out it is two tumors...and to make matters worse her doctor seems to think at least one is cancerous :( We find out tomorrow for sure..soo please pray for my momma. She's a srong lady, I know she'd kick cancers' ass, but still, it's heartbreaking knowing there is nothing I can do for her. She's a trooper though. All week she's been hanging in there and in very good spirits. So please, just keep her in your thoughts.

I start school in one month. Ughhh. I am excited. It is my senior year of college. I'm just soo not read to be stressed out again! Haha. But I am supposed to study abroad before I graduate in the Spring, so that should be very fun! Before school starts back up, I want to do something. Like Zumba. Has any of you ladies every done it? It looks like alot of work, but sooo much fun! I was thinking of ordering the DVD to do in the living room, so I don' have to take the class in front of people. I've danced for years, but it's been awhile and I definitely don't want to make a fool out of myself in front of a class full of people. I'm also trying to talk J into doing it with me. You know those Marines like to stay in shape haha! But who know if he'll actually do it. I hope so though! ;)

I also want to change my blog. I read all of your blogs and everyone has really adorable headers and backgrounds and stuff.. butttt I have absolutely no idea how to do any of that. Does anyone have any tips or ideas as to how I can make my blog somewhat cute. I wish I was computer savvy as most people are these days..But I am not and cannot seem to decorate or redo my blog the way I have in mind. So any ideas/tips would be greatly appreciated!

Have you ladies seen those adorable bags made out of cammies? With ribbons and colors and everything adorable like that?! Well I am dying to find a cute one to use for my school books this year. I don't want to spend tons of money on one, but I think the are super cute and a fun way to support our men. Anyone make them or know anyone who does?! :)

I plan on doing a post on what we have planned for the wedding soo far..not much but we do have the ceremony and reception site maybe this week I'll share some pictures!

I hope everyone's weeks are going well and enjoying the last bit of summer!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Hi everyone! I hope everyone had a fabulous weekend! I know I did. Friday was my 21st birthday. A group of my cloest girlfriends and their men came out with J and I to celebrate. We went to dinner at the Greene Turtle..yummy! And then we went to Downtown Annapolis to a few bars. I had soo much fun! I drank wayyy too much though. . I don't party alot. But when I do, I party hard. And this time was way too hard. I ended up getting sick. But from what everyone keeps saying that means I celebrated the right way haha. I'll put up some pictures either later or tomorrow..gotta find my camera cord first!

On Saturday, J told me I had to leave the apartment..I wasn't allowed to be their during the day..I was a little conufsed but I left anyway. Before I did, though, I got a delivery. A bouquet of gorgeous flowers...roses, lillies, carnations. They are gourgeous. J did a great job picking them out! :) Later on that evening, I arrive back to the apartment with my cousin to a surprise party my wonderful fiance threw for me! I was sooo surpirsed. We had a yummy BBQ, some people went swimming, and we spent the evening shooting pool, drinking, and just hanging out. It was soo much fun! I am the luckiest girl in the world to have this man by my side :)

Who doesn't like surprises? I absolutely love surprises. The flowers and the parties were wonderful surprises from my love and my bestest friends. However, yesterday I was faced with a horrible, unwated surprise. I wish I could just rewind time and forget this surprise :( My mom has been having abnormal pain during her time of the month. What normally would be a few cramps has turned into unbearable pain for her. A heating pad, tylenol, midol, nothing helps her. I feel so horrible for her. Well, she went to the doctor and she has a tumor on her ovary. When I was 7, she had a tumor on her other ovary, which lucky was caught in time and removed. As of now, we don't know much about this tumor. All we know is she needs major surgery...and soon. So please please please pray for her :( What started as a great week has turned into one of worry and sadness..I just hope they got in time and it doesn't turn out to be any worse.

Monday, July 12, 2010


Life has been a little crazy lately. I haven't any time to blog, and I feel horrible about it! I've been babysitting all the time. Then I come home, spend sometime with J, and then we go to bed. I have been so behind in cleaning, and laundry, and blogging, and everything. I've been trying ti figure out what to do for my 21st birthday this Friday. I've been trying to organize all the things for the wdding..payments..and ideas..and a million other things. I've just been trying to get everything around here organized. Fall semester is starting in a little over a month and I know it will be soo crazy. So I'm trying to get organized and stuff done before it gets too crazy.

About a month ago, J and I booked the venue for the ceremony and reception. I am soo pleased with our decision. From the very first time we saw the place, I knew this was it. It just instantly hit me. This is where we are supposed to be married. We're supposed to start our lives together. I am soo happy. We're having both the ceremony and the reception in the same place. This was very beneficial to us. We don't have to pay to have a limo. At first, I was a little disappointed. I had envisioned arriving in a limo. But we're on a very tight budget, so I think it's best not to fork out alot of money for transportation. When booking with this venue, we also get our wedding cake and our DJ. So there are 2 huge things out of the way already! I've been looking online for little things. We're going to purchase little things throughout the next year so it's not like wham! right in the face with a bunch of things we have to get. I found a cute Marine and Bride cake topper. I found a Marine garter. And some other things. Instead of favors, I think we're going to pick a Marine Charity to make a donation to. Does anyone have any ideas of Military Charities? Either for the troops? Or for families on the homefront? I want to find a really special one. I mean, obviously they are all special, but I want to find one that really speaks to me. Ya know? Well anyway, that's my life at the moment. I finally have time to read you blogs and then I'm going shopping for a birthday outfit for Friday!

I hope everyone has a great day!