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It's been awhile
It's been awhile since I've written. Life has just been crazy. School is keeping me insanely busy. And J and I are trying to spend as much time together as we possible can. He leaves the end of this month. Still no word on the exact date; but it should be around the 29th. I honestly can't believe he's leaving again...and for a year this time. His deployment to Afghanistan was supposed to be his last. He was supposed to be stable here. He wasn't supposed to be PCSable. But of course, as it alway happens with the military, everything changed. Ugh. I knew, when I met him, he could leave whenever they wanted him to. I knew anything were possible with the military. But it doesn't change the fact that this whole situation still sucks. It freakin' blows. A year seems like an eternity. But I know God will bring us through it. J has been told by numerous people that he should be able to come back here to take classes..some classes are a week, others are close to a month. I reallllly hope he can do this. I really hope they let him take as many classes as he wants, so he can just keep coming back here hahaha. I'm planning a trip to go visit him next May, after graduation. I just have noo idea how I'm going to pay for a hotel. My mom said she'd pay for the airplane..which is expensive enough! Now, I have to figure out a way to raise money to stay in a hotel out there. Hopefully I'll be able to find something not too expensive.
Aside from J leaving, I have some really great news! J and I decided that we didn't want to not be married before he leaves for Japan. Thursday we are going to have a very small, intimate ceremony. We decided this is what is best for us. Getting married before he leaves is the best decision. In the end, I still won't be going with him, which sucks. But we'll be married. And that's what we truly want. We're still having a huge wedding and celebration next November, like I've been planning. Nothing has really changed. We just know that this small ceremony right now is the very best thing for us. There is always a chance that he'll be going back out to Afghanistan..and we didn't want to risk it. So, we're doing it! I am soooo excited!!! Though, there are some people that are too supportive. It really hurts to think that these people are really trying to understand where we're coming from. I just wish everyone would support us in this decision. But you know what, who cares. Nothing or no one is going to take away this feeling! This is the best feeling in the entire world! This time next, I will be his wife! eeeep!! :)
I hope you all are having a great week! I've been on and reading all of your blogs, just haven't had the time to blog..until now haha. I hope everyone has a great weekend!
It's always hard when you have unsupportive people who don't understand what you're going through! But you are right, who cares! You should do what's best for you and J :) My husband and I were married by a JOP, and then had a big wedding 8 months later. People were upset because some didn't know (we got married a month after our engagement), and others were upset that they weren't invited. We invited our parents, but in the end it was just the two of us. I'm so glad it ended up that way because it was intimate and very special - he and I will have that memory forever. Congratulations to you!